When is Enough Enough?

In a culture of work and spend, there can be an endless search for more. However, research shows that money only affects emotional well-being  or happiness up to an annual income of ∼$210,000 per family, or ~$275,000 when adjusted for the cost of living in the Bay Area. Too much money can actually have a negative […]

Magic of Money

I’ve noticed a trend in the last year that makes me think there is something magical happening. The trend is towards greater responsibility for one’s financial destiny. My newer clients aren’t playing the victim card of living in an expensive area. Instead, they are making decisions to lower spending and setting savings goals, which they […]

Charitable Giving & Taxes- What you need to know

Around Thanksgiving and the calendar (and tax year) end is when commercials and requests for donations tend to really pick up. Most people I talk to wish that they could give more financially to the causes they love but given the high cost of living and high taxes most people feel they cannot afford it. […]

Want to Make A Big Move?

Tired of feeling like all you do is work just to pay your bills? If yes, you are not alone. Redfin reported that  San Francisco lost more residents than any other US city in the last quarter of 2017. And in 2018, 49% of Bay Area residents said they would consider leaving California because of the cost […]

Maximizing Fun

I love doing fun things! Who doesn’t? Living in Europe provides me with a new playground of opportunities, and after being in France for more than a year I can look back and see how much money I have spent on that fun. My budget is not unlimited, so for the next year I am […]

What’s the point of Money?

One of my favorite financial planners recently wrote in the New York Times, “The point of money is to help make and keep you happy and fulfill the hopes and dreams that align with your own (often irrational and emotional) values.” To me, this statement is the very essence of financial planning. Personal financial planning […]

Top Five Money Lessons for Kids

In general, talking about money makes people tense. So, how can you talk to our children openly and effectively about money? Money is its own language, and as parents you have the opportunity to create a plan to educate your kids and make money skills a priority. To help you, here is a list of […]

The Best Laid Plans

One of my favorite movie quotes is “If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball,” from the movie Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story. If you haven’t seen it, Youtube the quotation above and have a laugh. So, why am I quoting Dodgeball? Well, it’s personal and has a lot to do with […]

Kids Savings Account- Do they need one?

No, children do not need a savings account but most parents feel like they should open one up as soon as their child gets their first birthday or holiday check. Most of the time, these account balances hover around the same amount of money for years and the bank pays very little interest (like 0.01%). […]

True Costs of Education

If you have children, a huge driver of where you choose to live depends on where your little ones will go to school. If you live in San Francisco, you can roll the dice on public schools or join the arduous process of getting into private school. If you have moved out of the city […]