Back to Basics: Three Tenets of Good Money Management

Back to Basics- Three Tenets of Good Money Management
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From time to time, I need to remind myself and my clients about the basics of good money management and the importance of creating a solid foundation on which to build your financial future. The three basic tenets as I see them are as follows:

  1. Live within your means and build a life you can afford.

    • Create a spending plan
    • Track your spending
    • Pay off your credit cards each month
    • Pay your bills on time
  2. Know your family values and define your goals.

    • Stay in-tune with what matters most. Let this guide your spending and saving.
  3. Put your money where it will grow over time.

    • Home, education and well-managed investments.

If you keep these basic tenets of good money management in mind each time you make a financial decision, big or small, you are more likely to make the right decision.

Financial well-being is about making wise decisions and not about making more money.

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