Say goodbye to the Year of the Dog, and hello to the Year of the Pig, the final year of the 12-year Chinese Zodiac cycle. Last year, the Dog was supposed to symbolize action and progress, with an emphasis on social awareness and the celebration of life. I do not recall a lot of progress, but it was less dramatic than 2016 and 2017. Those who planned well in 2018 should be set-up from good fortune in the year to come.
So, what will the year of the Earth Pig mean for your money?
Feel the Hype
The Pig has a big heart and compassion, and it represents wealth and generosity. This is a calming force in world events and should lead to leaps forward with worldwide relationships. New international relationships, social order and potentially new regimes in some countries should take shape.
For the life-loving Pig, it is a time to enjoy the beauty of life and be more altruistic. But proceed with caution as the Pig’s naivety can draw out unscrupulous people. Be optimistic but suspicious too.
Plan Your Next Trip
There will be lots of travel this year, much more than in other years. Tourism will benefit greatly as will related industries (airlines, logistics, and transport). I’ve been using Hipmunk recently. In addition to travel, people will move jobs and relocate. Recruiters should benefit directly from these movements. While this is an opportune time to move, do not go into debt for it or disaster may strike.
Start a New Business & Invest
The Pig belongs to the water sign and is the beginning of winter. Plants germinate and bring new life in this cycle. This year will feel busier, and you need to stay open-minded. If you had a business idea that was rejected last year, try again this year.
This is also a year to make good money and invest. As another earth year (last year was one too), construction, real estate (especially the 2nd half of the year) and laying foundations for the future will do well.
The Pig also has an inclination for waste. Mismanagement of your money could bring financial loss, so do not give into the temptation to spend everything you make. If you don’t know how much you are spending, you need to start paying attention. Sign up for, or if you prefer greater ability to customize your spending analysis, use Tiller.
Those who planned well last year will use that as a stepping stone for success this year. Embrace this year of optimism and loving life but be realistic. The final year in the Chinese cycle offers an opportunity for introspection that won’t come around for another 12 years.